Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April, the Month of the Cold Shower: Day 2

April 2, 2013

I decided to shake things up a little and add two variables to my morning routine today:
  1. I started with the water on warm (not hot) and lathered up, then switched the water to cold for the rinse-off.  What I was checking to see is if the shock factor here would be any different than an ordinary cold shower.  It is actually more of a shock to go from warm to cold than it is to just take a cold shower.  I found that I was a little less tolerant to the switch to cold water.
  2. I used cold water to shave.  (Actually, shaving could be the subject for another series of posts, as I take pride in having an excellent morning shave.)  After getting out of the shower, I used cold water to shave and I was able to get just as close a shave as I do with hot water.  Now, it did not feel like a warm water shave at all; it was not an easy, leisurely pace, but a more quick, efficient process that yielded the same results.  I may need to explore this concept a little further.
Conclusion #2: It is easier to take a cold water shower than a blast-of-cold-water-at-the-end-of-a-hot-shower.
Conclusion #3: Cold water shaving has benefits.

See also:
Shaving with Cold Water

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