Friday, July 27, 2012

My Top Ten Pet Peeves

Well, it's been a while since my last top ten list, so I thought now would be a good time to put out a new one!  All of us have pet peeves, little insignificant (or sometimes significant) things that just get under our skin and irritate us.  Sometimes they are funny and other times downright annoying, but we can all relate to each other on this level in that everybody has a few pet peeves.  Here are my top ten:

1. When people use apostrophes wrong.  An apostrophe only forms a contraction or shows possession.  It is never used to make something plural!  This applies to acronyms and numbers, too.  For example:
  • DVD's = WRONG!  (unless something belongs to the DVD)
  • 100's = WRONG! (unless something belongs to the number one hundred)
  • 1950's = WRONG! (unless something belongs to this decade)
Can you read the heat in my words?  I really get irked when I see the apostrophe thrown haphazardly into words.  The ' and the "s" are not married!

2. When people pronounce the "t" in "often."  I can still remember my third grade teacher telling us how this letter is an anomaly in the English language and that we never, never, never pronounce this "t."  The word is pronounced "OFF-en," not "OFF-ten."  I guess her lesson really hit home with me, as ever since that day I am rankled whenever someone pronounces this word incorrectly!

3. Loud music.  Volume just doesn't make anything sound better, it makes it sound louder, that's all!  If you like the song on the radio, that's great, but turning the volume up to 11 won't make you (or me) like it any more.

4. Please, don't run red lights.  It holds up traffic and puts lives in danger.  You'll get there soon enough!

5. Realtors.  I just don't like them.  Sorry if your mom is a realtor, but she is really annoying.  I don't like how they act as if selling houses is the most important, glamorous job in the world; it isn't.  It's not any better than selling used cars.  Or candy bars.  I don't like how they put their pictures on business cards.  That looks sleazy and lame.  I don't like how they claim they sell homes  They don't; they sell houses.  I will decide if a house is a home, not you.

6. When people call Asian car brands "rice burners."  Wow, can you be more racist than that?  I'm glad you know that Asians eat rice, do you know anything else about Asian culture?  By the way, did you notice how none of their companies seem to produce crappy cars, either?

7. People who don't clean up after their dogs.  Poop stinks!  Talk about nasty.  If you are not responsible enough to clean up after the animal, you are not responsible enough to have one in the first place.

8. While we're on the subject of dogs, I don't like pugs.  To me, they are the ugliest-looking dogs on the face of the earth.  They're useless, good only for entertainment, and bad entertainment at that.  I don't see why this breed is allowed to exist, since these dogs are unintelligent and they look terrible.  Even worse, now they are included in "designer breeds," such as a "puggle" (pug and beagle mix).  Why would you ever want to destroy a beautiful breed like the beagle with a worhtless smash-faced degenerate pug?  Let's let this breed go extinct.

9. Tantruming.  Well, let me clarify that.  I understand that young kids get upset and they can't control their emotions; that doesn't bother me.  My pet peeve is parents who allow their kids to tantrum in public and either don't address the issue or deal with it poorly.  Having a toddler at home, I know how difficult it can be out in public.  But, at the first sign of trouble we are out the door- I don't want the whole store to listen to a screaming kid!  Parents, please plan ahead and save the world the horror of your tantruming brat.

10. The fact that prices never include taxes or fees.  If an item's advertised price is $0.99, the final price might be $1.07, but you wouldn't know that until you got to the checkstand.  Why don't we include taxes and fees in the price so we know exactly how much something costs?  That would make sense, and that's what they do in Korea.

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