Monday, April 1, 2013

April, the Month of the Cold Shower

April, the Month of the Cold Shower

Growing up in the north country of Minnesota, we used to go swimming every Memorial Day through Labor Day, no matter how cold the water was.  We were usually in the water at least a couple of weeks before Memorial Day, when the nightly low temperature could very easily be below freezing.  I loved swimming in the Land of 10,000 Lakes when the water was so chilly.  After we got the docks in for the summer, it was always a rush to go running off the end of the dock, plunge into the recently-thawed water, and feel the shock of the cold temperature bite right into the core while the air temperature was hovering around 50.  I also worked at a summer camp where the shower house's water heater did not always work that great, so some mornings we had warm showers, but often we were doused in ice water.

During those summer days, I thought that the shock of the cold water first thing in the morning was a great way to wake up.  Sometimes, during college, I would wake up very early to study (4:30am!), and after taking my shower, I would run the cold water for a few seconds, just to make sure I was truly awake and ready for the day.

That got me to thinking, recently, how much more productive would I be if I took a cold shower every day?  So, I have decided to do a one-month experiment and to declare April the Month of the Cold Shower.  Watch for regular posts on my cold showering experience.

See also:
The James Bond Shower: A Shot of Cold Water for Health and Vitality
Heat Wave

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