Friday, June 22, 2012

Thoughts VII

Well, it's getting to be that time again when I'm starting to think about Korea again.  It’s been several months since I have visited Seoul, since I posted on Korea, or even sat down to seriously think about it.  Everything has been so busy recently that I haven’t had the time to sort through all of my thoughts and I’ve been so caught up with life that the space I have in my mind just for Korea has taken a back seat to the rest of it.

But not in my heart; that special place I have only for Korea misses my adopted country, the family I have there, and my hope of returning there to live.  I’ve begun daydreaming about Korea recently and I’ve done a little searching in my spare time, reading new blogs, and looking at possible employment opportunities.

I think that it might be helpful for me to connect with some other Americans who are living and working there teaching English.  I do have a few questions I would ask of anyone who is currently in Korea as an expatriate:

  1. How did you first learn about your current opportunity to teach English in Korea?
  2. What did you find to be your biggest challenge when you first arrived?
  3. Can you see yourself living there for more than a year?  More than ten years?  For the rest of your life?
  4. What do you miss the most about your home country?
  5. What is the biggest piece of advice you would give to anyone considering moving abroad and teaching in Korea?

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